
Grand Paragon Hotel

                                  Night view                                                                    Day view On April 26 I visited "Grand Paragon Hotel" to...

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Pasta Buffet @ Secret of Louisiana

(photographer: Doreen Neo) ( Camera: Nikon5200 + Nikon lens 18-55mm ) Secret of Louisiana This a place that I visit today at  Plaza Kelana Jaya, is a Italian restaurant call "Secret of Louisiana ". This restaurant provide buffet for the customer, it's the first Italian buffer that I ate before. The waiters inside is really nice and kind, they will serve customer well.  (photographer:...

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I LOVE Starbucks

I LOVE Starbucks (Photographer: Doreen Neo) (Camera: Nikon 5200 + Nikon lens 18-55mm) I love to drink Starbucks but I can't always drink it, I wish I can drink it whenever I want to drink. My flavour is "Chocolate Cream Chips" this is the flavour that taste much like chocolate. I know that Starbucks main product is coffee, but love chocolate more than coffee...

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